

Grillhouse By David Burke – Schaumburg, Illinois

The Passion & Creativity of Chef Rhea Brown…

One of the chefs I recently met is Chef Rhea Brown at The Grillhouse by David Burke in Schaumburg, Illinois. What struck me about Rhea is his sheer passion for what he does. The dishes he creates are an extension of his love of Gastronomy and each one that comes out is uniquely different.

His story is an interesting one and he has literally worked his way up from the bottom… Rhea grew up in Jamaica and from a young age his father came to America to work to provide for his family back home. It would be ten years before he and his family would emigrate to America. In those ten years Rhea saw America as truly the land of opportunity and like most young boys on the islands, saw America as some magical place where the streets were lined with Gold and everything was like candy Land…

At the age of 14 he would come to America and start his pursuit of the American Dream. He went to school at night and started his career in the restaurant business washing dishes. Whatever he did, he was always passionate about and sought to do the best he could do observing all that went on around him. One day a busser did not show up for work and the owner of the restaurant asked him if he could fill in. Rhea jumped at the chance and saw this as an opportunity to move up the ladder… A short time later he would be asked if he would like to cook which would take him to the next step. He’s worked alongside some veteran chefs thruout Chicago and his hunger for excellence helped him to soak up all that he was taught. If there was something he didn’t know, he would go to a restaurant to see how other chefs prepared dishes that they were known for and make them his own.

His hard work and dedication would not go un noticed and in 2006 he was offered the position of Sous Chef at Carnivale Restaurant.… His career would finally start to blossom… His reputation would start to take root as he developed his own style and people started to come for his cuisine… 2011 would be a pivotal year for Chef Rhea as he now was offered the position of Executive Chef at Maya Del Sol, a restaurant featuring Latin Fusion Cuisine…

Today, Rhea brown is the Executive Chef at the Grillhouse by David Burke where he turns out some of the most amazing dishes I have tasted! His creativity and passion for his craft truly shine. Each dish a perfect blend of flavours, colors and textures… Truly a sculpted work of food art.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to share your world with me. 

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